ABA Early Intervention Therapy with ABA for Change
Our Service Model
Behaviours of concern can be reduced and prevented when children are explicitly taught the skills of communication, toleration, and other functional behaviours in the type of challenging situations that have produced problem behaviour in the past. Thanks to Dr Greg Hanley and his team of clinicians, research on how to best support children with behaviours of concern has advanced substantially in just the last few years and socially significant gains can be made using compassionate and person-centred approaches when teaching comes from a place of joy empowering the child.How do I get started with Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention?

How do I get started with early intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI)?
ABA for Change is based in Adelaide and offers a unique service model with its highly qualified and experienced staff delivering Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and speech therapy in our client’s home. We were founded as one of the first contemporary ABA service providers in South Australia. Therapy at ABA for Change is provided in a person-centred, safe, neurodiversity affirming, effective, and ethical way meeting every child where they are.
We will commence all services with a meet-and-greet where we get a chance to meet you and your child, and we can discuss your child’s needs and how we can best support them.
There will be plenty of time for all your questions!
Early intensive behavioral intervention
Progression of Service
1. All our programs begins with a Skill Based Treatment program after that program is completed there is an option to transfer into a comprehensive Early Intensive Behaviour Intervention program or stay with a more focused Skill Based Treatment program with reduced hours.
2. Once your child consistently and independently engages in basic functional communication and basic tolerance, the transition to an Early Intensive Behaviour Intervention can begin which will include:
- A comprehensive assessment of your child’s skills.
- Compiling assessment results and determine potential goals.
- Developing a therapy program based on the assessment results.
- Initial ABA session with your Senior ABA Therapist and your child.
- Finalising short-term and long-term goals and modify the program based on the results of the assessment, the initial ABA session and the priorities identified by you and your child.
- A meeting with parents and caregivers to discuss suggested goals and programs.
3. Initial training of therapy Assistants by your Senior ABA Therapist
All therapy Assistants have passed the in-house training provided by ABA for Change. When you recruit therapy Assistants to your child’s team, we will provide training individually to each therapy Assistants on how to deliver your child’s individualised ABA program. Each therapy Assistant will usually undergo training for 10-12 hours across 5-6 sessions. For an EIBI program you will typically require 2-3 therapy Assistants to deliver all hours. The hourly rate for your therapy Assistant(s) is agreed upon between you and them.
4. Ongoing program supervision by you Senior ABA Therapist (consisting of 4-week cycles)
Once the start-up and training of your therapy Assistant(s) is completed the service model will roll over to the ongoing level of program supervision. The ongoing program supervision includes a total of 8 hours of program supervision by your Senior ABA Therapist per 4 weeks. Each 4-week cycle consists of the following:
- Ongoing therapy Assistant and parent training: 2 x 2-hour session
- Team Meeting including caregivers, your Senior ABA Therapist, and therapy Assistants: 2 hours
- Flexible Hours: 2 hours dedicated to an area which is identified as a priority (e.g. updating the therapy program, additional team training or parent training, collaborating with other professionals, community visits, report writing for NDIS reviews, etc.).
The Different Roles in an ABA Team
A Senior ABA Therapist at ABA for Change
- Is a Certified Behaviour Analyst (CBA), Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) or has a Masters degree in ABA
- Completes assessment and re-assessment of your child’s skills
- Compiles assessment reports and progress reports to summarise your child’s current skills and progress across time
- Designs and implements skill building programs and behaviour support plans
- Oversees the overall progression and the progression of each program in your child’s folder, and makes the necessary changes to ensure continual development
- Trains and provides ongoing supervision to your Therapy Assistants
- Provides ongoing parent training
- Consults with your child’s other support teams e.g. Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapy Assistant, childcare, kindergarten or school.
- Conducts monthly team meetings with all team members to ensure optimal progress and discuss challenges or concerns
Therapy Assistants
- Delivers 1:1 therapy sessions at your home, childcare, kindergarten or school, at a minimum of 2 x 2 hour sessions per week
- Has completed the ABA for Change introductory Therapy Assistant workshop as a prerequisite before training directly on your team
- Implements all programs and behaviour support plans as designed and directed by the Senior ABA Therapist
- Records data on your child’s acquisition for each program in each session
- Records data on behaviours of concern as directed by the Senior ABA Therapist
- Attends and actively participates in your monthly team meeting
- Participates in ongoing professional development with the Senior ABA Therapist
- Responds to team emails and advises the Senior ABA Therapist on progress and challenges when necessary
Initial Training and Ongoing Supervision of Therapy Assistants
There are 3 components to a Therapy Assistant’s initial training:
- Independently completing training videos and assessment questions on key information about ABA therapy and working on ABA for Change teams (all Therapy Assistants have already completed this component)
- Completing a 2 hour training workshop with our Senior ABA Therapist to practice key therapy skills, including a practical assessment (all Therapy Assistants have already completed this component)
- Direct training on how to deliver your child’s individualised ABA program in which the Therapy Assistant and the Senior ABA Therapist have sessions together with your child and the Therapy Assistant is trained specifically on your child’s ABA Program. The Therapy Assistant is ready to start running sessions on their own with your child once they have passed a final evaluation. This generally takes between 5 and 6 sessions.
Ongoing supervision of Therapy Assistants:
- Your Senior ABA Therapist will periodically overlap with each Therapy Assistant during their regular home sessions to provide ongoing training and feedback on their performance.
- The monthly team meetings will also provide ongoing supervision to Therapy Assistants
- Senior ABA Therapist and Therapy Assistants often communicate via email in between sessions and team meetings to keep the whole team up to date with minor changes, and to maximise learning and progress for your child.
Things to note!
- All scheduling changes are coordinated between you and the Therapy Assistant.
- You will pay your Therapy Assistant directly, not via ABA for Change.
- If you have concerns about the therapy delivered by a Therapy Assistant, please discuss this with your Senior ABA Therapist as soon as possible so that it can be addressed in a timely manner.
- If you have concerns regarding professionalism, punctuality, scheduling, cancellations, etc. you will need to address this directly with the Therapy Assistant.
- If videos are requested by the Senior ABA Therapist it is recommended that this is recorded and sent to the Senior ABA Therapist on your own devices rather than that of a Therapy Assistant (e.g. a short video of a new problem behaviour, or a Therapy Assistant running a new teaching procedure)
- Avoid becoming private friends with your Therapy Assistants or connecting with them on social media. This helps prevent dual relationships developing and conflicts of interest where professional boundaries are at risk of getting blurred
What does an autism early intervention session look like?
Sessions with a Senior ABA Therapist
Skill Based Treatment sessions are run by your Senior ABA Therapist. Your Senior ABA Therapist will implement both your child’s skill acquisition procedures and behaviour support plans and will make smaller changes to procedures as necessary to maximise your child’s progression. The Therapy Assistant will be collecting data on skills that are being practised in the session by using the electronic data platform motivity.net. Motivity.net is HIPPA compliant and the Therapy Assistant will use their laptop, iPad or smartphone to collect data.
Sessions with a Therapy Assistant
These are the sessions that occur most frequently in an EIBI program and are run solely by your Therapy Assistant. At the beginning of the session the Therapy Assistant will take a few minutes to set up for the session. This is an important time for the Therapy Assistant to prepare stimuli required for the session and also allows the Therapy Assistant to come up to speed with any changes that have been made to specific programs or behaviour support plans. When starting the session, the Therapy Assistant will always commence with some fun activities with your child. This focus on play allows the Therapy Assistant to pair themselves as someone who is fun and exciting, and also allows the Therapy Assistant to start to assess what activities, toys, or games may be potential reinforcers for your child throughout this session.
Throughout the duration of the session the Therapy Assistant will implement both your child’s skill acquisition procedures and behaviour support plans. At times, the Therapy Assistant may ask for your assistance when a procedure is better implemented with an additional person or if the current aim is to generalise your child’s learning of a particular skill across a range of people. Just like the Senior ABA Therapist the Therapy Assistant will collect data on skills that are being practised using Motivity.net.
The last couple of minutes of the session should be allocated for the Therapy Assistant to complete the final data collection, and pack away therapy material. When it is time for the Therapy Assistant to commence this final part of the session, they will let you know and ask for you to take over supervision of your child. At the very end of the session the Therapy Assistant will talk with you for 5 minutes to update you on how the session went.
Therapy Assistant Training Session (Overlap Sessions with Your Senior ABA Therapist)
Sessions that focus on training your Therapy Assistants occur both when initially training a new Therapy Assistant on your child’s team, and on an ongoing basis to consistently maintain and improve a Therapy Assistant’s therapy skills. Therapy Assistant training sessions will include your child’s Senior ABA Therapist, the Therapy Assistant, and your child. Depending on the level of experience and training already received by the Therapy Assistant, the session will look slightly different. In initial training sessions, the session will be largely led by the Senior ABA Therapist, whilst in later training sessions the Therapy Assistant will begin to take the lead of the session.
You can expect that during training sessions less procedures may be implemented than in a typical session. This is because we are focusing on ensuring your Therapy Assistant meets the criteria for implementing each procedure with accuracy. At times, it takes a little longer depending on the complexity of the procedure and the skill level of the Therapy Assistant. It is always good to keep in mind that we are aiming for quality therapy! These sessions are also used to problem solve specific components of your child’s ABA program with their Therapy Assistant.
At the very end of the session your Senior ABA Therapist or Therapy Assistant will let you know that the session is completed and ask for you to take over supervision of your child. The Senior ABA Therapist will at this time summarise feedback for the Therapy Assistant and set practice goals for the Therapy Assistant.
Parent Training Session
Parent training is a vital component of an effective ABA program, and is particularly useful when addressing day-to-day challenges, such as eating, sleeping, toileting, and sibling interactions. It is also particularly important when working toward reduction of behaviours of concern.
A parent training session will usually take place at home, unless the specific target behaviour occurs in a different setting (e.g. at the shopping centre). At times your parent training will consist of informal strategies and you will not be asked to take any data. However, at other times your Senior ABA Therapist will work with you on implementing a specific plan (e.g. toileting plan or behaviour support plan) and may ask you to take data on a specific component of your child’s behaviour.
Throughout a parent training session, you will receive training on any strategies that are recommended, a specific plan that is to be implemented, and how to collect accurate data if necessary and your questions are welcome at all times.
Team Meetings
Team meetings occur once every 4-week cycle on a set day and time (e.g. every 4th Tuesday at 9-10.30am) via ZOOM and require the attendance of all people working with your child on their ABA program, including parents, Therapy Assistants, and the Senior ABA Therapist if your child is participating in an EIBI program. Grandparents, carers, teachers, and other professionals working with your child are also welcome.
Team meetings are led by your Senior ABA Therapist and are used to review your child’s progress through each skill acquisition procedure, discuss existing and new behaviours of concern, and problem solve any difficulties that are arising in sessions or at home. At times, these meetings will be used as a training opportunity for training the team on new behaviour management techniques, or implementing a new procedure and will then be held in-person with the child.
This is one of your best opportunities to ask questions, so if you would like further clarification about something from your Senior ABA Therapist or have any other general questions feel free to ask!
To accommodate for all our school aged clients, Team Meetings on all teams will strictly be held between 9am and 2pm. All time slots from 3pm will be kept for overlap sessions with school aged clients.
Clinical reviews
Every 6-12 months your Senior ABA Therapist will organise a clinical review meeting to discuss the overall progress of your child’s ABA program, if the child is receiving the recommended hours, parent involvement, long-term goals and confirm if the current service model is still the best in meeting the needs of the child and for the family as a unit.
Assessments for early intensive behavioral intervention
What types of assessment tools do we use?
At ABA for Change, your Senior ABA Therapist will determine the most suitable assessment tool for your child depending on your child’s age, their developmental level, and the goals you wish to see your child achieve. When an assessment is conducted with your child your Senior ABA Therapist will provide all required assessment materials.
Parent interview
When we first meet with you we like to get to know your child through your words. No one knows your child better than you do! We have a comprehensive open ended questionnaire that we go through together that wil, help us gather as much information as possible about your child before therapy sessions commence. Please feel free to share everything you find important to you and your child!
Practical Functional Assessment
We will commence all ABA programs with a Practical Functional Assessment or PFA. This is to identify what your child is motivated by and what brings joy to them but also to identify behaviours of concern and the functions maintaining these behaviours. Our aim is always for your child to be happy, relaxed and engaged in our sessions whilst working towards tolerance and willingness to participate in learning and play.
Verbal Behaviour Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB MAPP)
The VB-MAPP is an assessment tool that is designed to assess the skills of toddlers and preschoolers with ASD or other language delays. It measures skills across multiple development domains and consists of 3 component assessments.
If chosen as the appropriate assessment for your child, the VB-MAPP will be conducted by your Senior ABA Therapist in 2-4 sessions with your child. Throughout these sessions your Senior ABA Therapist may use a combination of direct testing strategies as well as observation to assess your child’s current skills. Some components of the assessment will require your input and so you may be asked to participate in a semi-structured interview with your child’s Senior ABA Therapist. Re-assessment using the VB-MAPP will typically be conducted every 6-12 months.
PEAK Relational Training System
The Peak Relational Training System is an assessment tool and curriculum guide that consists of 4 assessment and learning modules that reflect our current understanding of how each of us learn.
If chosen as the appropriate assessment for your child, the PEAK Relational Training System will be conducted by your Senior ABA Therapist across 2-3 sessions with your child. Throughout these sessions your Senior ABA Therapist may use a combination of direct testing strategies as well as observation to assess your child’s current skills. Some components of the assessment will require your input and so you may be asked to participate in a semi-structured interview with your child’s Senior ABA Therapist. Re-assessment using the PEAK Relational Training System will typically be conducted every 6-12 months.
Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS)
The AFLS is composed of six suTherapy Assistantest protocols that are designed to assess functional, practical, and essential skills for everyday life. These suTherapy Assistantests assess basic living skills, home based skills, skills required for community participation, school based skills, skills required for independent living, and vocational skills.
If chosen as the appropriate assessment for your child, the AFLS will be conducted via a semi-structured interview with yourselves, and by observation of your child in the natural environment, during day-to-day activities. Re-assessment using the AFLS will typically be conducted every 6-12 months.
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals- 5th edition (CELF-5)
The CELF-5 is a norm-referenced assessment tool which detects and diagnoses language deficits in receptive and expressive language. This means it has been researched across a range of individuals and can therefore provide a severity level and age equivalent in comparison to same aged children. It is designed to be used to assess individuals aged between 5-21 years of age. It consists of a range of suTherapy Assistantests which carefully assess complex language skills required for social and academic development.
Preschool Language Scale- 5th edition (PLS-5)
The PLS-5 consists of two subscales: Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication. The Auditory Comprehension subscale is used to assess how much language a child understands. The Expressive Communication subscale is used to determine how well a child communicates with others. This assessment is used to determine whether a language delay or disorder is present and can provide a severity level and age equivalent score.
Renfrew Action Picture Test (RAPT R)
The Renfrew Action Picture Test is a standardised language assessment which looks at your child’s ability to answer questions using sentences that are grammatically correct and convey meaning about a picture they are presented with. This assessment was conducted to investigate a child’s skills in understanding what has happened from looking at a picture, answering questions about a variety of different concepts and to analyse the grammar and content of their sentences.
Phonological and Articulation Screener
This Speech assessment uses picture naming to investigate all of the sounds in australian english across all positions within a word. This can detect speech sound errors and from there the Speech Pathologist can provide a breakdown of all errors occurring and whether they are age related errors or if speech is delayed or disordered.
Progress Reporting and Assessment Reports
Any time a formal assessment is conducted with your child you will be provided with an assessment report. Your Senior ABA Therapist will discuss this report with you to ensure that you understand all components of the report, and are able to ask any questions about the assessment and your child’s performance. This is also a great time for you to discuss new goals for your child with your Senior ABA Therapist. All progress reports are billed at the typical Senior ABA Therapist rate.
Reporting for the NDIS
Prior to your child’s review with the NDIS your Senior ABA Therapist will provide you with a copy of your child’s most recent assessment report and a specific report that outlines your child’s progress since their last NDIS review or since your child commenced services with ABA for Change. Reports for NDIS reviews will be billed at the typical Senior ABA Therapist rate.
In order to ensure that your Senior ABA Therapist has enough time to provide the required assessment and progress reports please ensure that you alert your Senior ABA Therapist to your upcoming review date with 8 weeks notice.
Early Intervention Teaching Strategies used at ABA for Change
All teaching strategies that we use are evidence based and scientifically supported as methods that promote effective learning of new skills. Some of the teaching techniques used in your child’s program are outlined below.
Skill based treatment (SBT)
During our initial Skill Based Treatment (SBT) we will teach your child a blanket request for having things “their way”. This is to ensure that your child has a safe way to communicate with us, that behaviours of concern very quickly reduce to near zero levels and that your child is happy, relaxed, and engaged without implementing extinction procedures. Once your child is confidently requesting “their way” we will address tolerance as we gradually increase the expectations on your child to participate in adult directed activities.
Discrete or Direct Trial Teaching (DTT)
When using DTT, larger skills are broken down into small, discrete teachable units. These small units are taught in a way that provides your child many opportunities to practice the skill and to receive reinforcement for completing the skill. DTT allows for higher order complex skills to systematically be built on a solid foundation of component skills.
Multiple Exemplar Instruction (MEI)
MEI is a technique that focuses on teaching a skill using a variety of teaching materials and using varied and natural language. This type of teaching has been shown to promote generalisation and maintenance of skills and can be used to teach a wide variety of skills.
Incidental Teaching (IT)
This is a teaching method in which skills are taught when naturally occurring learning opportunities present themselves. IT is a very useful teaching strategy for functional communication in which the child initiates an interaction by showing interest in a toy or activity and we capture this opportunity to practice communication.
Task Analysis (TA)
This is a common teaching strategy to teach personal independence skills and play skills. These types of skills commonly contain multiple steps in a sequence; they can be taught as a chain of behaviours where each step is addressed separately and then put together so that the child can perform the skill independently from beginning to end.
The Parent’s Role in an ABA Early Intervention Program
Your child will benefit from your involvement in their ABA program in many ways and research shows that parental involvement in ABA programs promotes even greater gains for the child. There are many benefits with being actively involved in your child’s ABA program:
- You can provide important insight and information that will help your Senior ABA Therapist to tailor the ABA program to benefit your child even more.
- Some parents choose to be trained as Therapy Assistants and deliver some of their child’s therapy hours. Even if you don’t choose this option it can be very valuable to have your Senior ABA Therapist train you to actively teach skills such as communication, play, and personal independence skills.
- If you are aware of what skills are currently being taught as a part of your child’s ABA program you can provide opportunities to practice these skills outside of therapy which will contribute to the skills maintaining as well as generalising.
- You can help your child to communicate more effectively by using the same strategies as the Senior ABA Therapist recommends in therapy sessions.
- The best reductions of problem behaviours are seen when everyone in the child’s environment responds to challenging behaviours in the same consistent way. It can be hard to achieve the desired reduction if the problem behaviours are addressed differently by different people and environments.
- By preparing needed materials for your child’s ABA program e.g. flashcards and certain toys/activities, you help make sure that time spent with the Therapy Assistants is efficient and your child’s learning opportunities are maximised.
Communicating with your Senior ABA Therapist
The best way to communicate with your Senior ABA Therapist is via email. Your Senior ABA Therapist will get back to you as soon as possible. If you are concerned about a specific procedure or challenging behaviour it can be very helpful if you record a short video that you can attach to your email.
It is a great idea to prepare for the team meetings by emailing your Senior ABA Therapist with anything you would like to discuss before the meeting. This will give your Senior ABA Therapist more time to prepare any needed changes or additions to your child’s program.
Typically your Senior ABA Therapist will contact you in the last week of each billing cycle to book in the sessions for the following billing cycle. When your Senior ABA Therapist contacts you with suggestions for sessions, meetings, or overlaps, the suggested time slot will be kept for two business days. If we have not heard back from you within that time the time slot may be offered to other clients and no longer available. We encourage you to respond as quickly as you can to ensure that your child keeps having consistent and regular service. The quicker you can get back to us, the more likely you are to get the time slots that suits you the best! You can always get in touch with your Senior ABA Therapist sooner if you know there are specific days and times you would like to book in!
How to Prepare for an early intervention Session
Especially early on in an ABA program, a quiet and structured therapy space can be important for successful sessions. There should be a table and a couple of chairs of appropriate size for your child. A cupboard dedicated for ABA materials such as flashcards, specific toys etc. makes it easier for your Senior ABA Therapist/ Therapy Assistants to quickly locate needed materials and run efficient therapy sessions.
If there are certain toys or food items that you and your Senior ABA Therapist have agreed to use exclusively for therapy, make sure the child cannot access these outside of therapy but that you have them ready for the Therapy Assistant when they arrive for a session. One way to maintain interest in toys is to divide the child’s toys into boxes and circulate these boxes with intervals of a few days rather than having everything accessible at all times.
As a parent, you are always welcome to observe your child’s sessions, but save any questions for the end of the session or when there are natural breaks to minimise interruptions and distractions for your child. If you have questions regarding the rationale or evidence behind a program, strategy, or support plan, please ask your Senior ABA Therapist rather than a Therapy Assistant. Your Senior ABA Therapist will have more in-depth information and experience, and therefore be better able to effectively answer your questions. Keeping pets and siblings from joining in sessions also helps maximise your child’s learning time and reduce interruptions.
For the last few minutes of a session, the Therapy Assistant will be busy completing data collection, writing notes for the team etc. and it is helpful if you are available to actively engage your child during this time. This will ensure that your Therapy Assistant can finish their session on time whilst still completing all administrative tasks that are a part of their job.
Making and Organising Materials and Resources for an early intervention of autism program
In order to ensure your child’s therapy sessions are run as efficiently as possible with maximum learning time, it is important that the materials and resources required for a session are prepared and easily accessible to Therapy Assistants.
Program Stimuli
For some skills that your child is working on you will need to prepare specific stimuli or flashcards. At times this will require you to find specific objects (e.g. identical pairs of objects to demonstrate adjectives, such as a big ball and a little ball). At other times this will require you to make specific visuals (e.g. pictures of people doing different actions for a verbs program).
When making visuals, we recommend the following:
- Use the internet – google images is a great resource!
- Build up your bank of visuals and organise them systematically by placing them in corresponding labelled folders on your computer. This way, you may be able to use the visuals again at a later stage for a different type of procedure!
- The size of visuals is usually best at 6 pictures per page.
- Aim to find multiple examples of the same visual or concept (e.g. white fridge, stainless steel fridge, cartoon fridge, fridge with an open door). This will be helpful in promoting generalisation of your child’s skills!
- It is great to laminate your flashcards where possible. This is a time-consuming exercise; however, laminating your flashcards will allow them to last longer. This may be particularly useful if your child often plays or fiddles with flashcards, and they are more likely to get worn or torn.
You may be able to purchase some flashcard sets and other resources that provide easy access to a range of required teaching materials. However, keep in mind that these sets can be expensive! These are some possible options for purchasing resources:
- Inekards – https://inekards.com.au
- Different Roads to Learning – https://difflearn.com
Organising Materials
As your child acquires specific skills and conceaccess to materials organised according to those that your child is yet to learn and those that your child has mastered. To assist with this, we encourage you to have a system for separating these materials e.g. separate, labelled ziplock bags for flashcards for different programs, or separate, labelled containers or boxes for 3D objects.
To keep things organised, it is helpful to ensure that materials are kept somewhere out of reach of your child or siblings to ensure that they are always organised and prepared for your child’s next therapy session.
Finishing Up an early intervention Program
It is hard to estimate how long your child will be enrolled in an ABA program because the rate of learning new skills is related to not only the intensity of the ABA program but also the pace at which your child typically learns new skills. We recommend that you have a discussion with your Senior ABA Therapist early on in your child’s ABA program to determine what goals you want your child to achieve before discharge. This conversation should be ongoing as your child moves toward their goals.
Discharge will normally involve a gradual step down in therapy intensity which may occur over several months. Reasons for discharge may include:
- The child has achieved their goals; or
- The child has not made progress towards goals for a long period of time; or
- The family has decided they no longer want to continue services; or
- The family and ABA for Change are not able to agree on important aspects of the program
Finishing Up an early intervention Program
Online Resources
- The Autism Behavioural Intervention Association ABIA https://abia.net.au/
- ABIA Online resources including NDIS information kit https://abia.net.au/resources/online-resources/
- Association for Science in Autism Treatment – https://www.asatonline.org/
- Association for Science in Autism Treatment – Resource Guide for Families of Newly Diagnosed Children https://www.asatonline.org/wpcontent/uploads/2016/06/ParentBooklet.pdf
- Raising Children Network – http://raisingchildren.net.au/
- Applied Behaviour Analysis Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Practice Guidelines for Healthcare Workers and Managers. https://www.bacb.com/wpcontent/uploads/2017/09/ABA_Guidelines_for_ASD.pdf
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) – https://www.ndis.gov.au/index.html
- The Growing Space – http://www.thegrowingspace.com.au/
- My Choice Matters – http://www.mychoicematters.org.au/
- I Love ABA! – http://www.iloveaba.com/
- Michael’s Mum – https://www.facebook.com/michaelsmum88/
- Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family’s Triumph over Autism by Catherine Maurice
- The Verbal Behaviour Approach by Mary Barbera
When Horse Became Saw by Anthony Macris - The Teach Your Children Well Series by James W. Partington, Ph.D., BCBA-D, and Scott Partington, M.A., BCBA https://partingtonbehavioranalysts.com/collections/books
- MyTime – supporting parents of children with disabilities: https://www.mytime.net.au/
- South Australian Parent Helpline: 1300 364 100
- Lifeline: 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
- Mental Health Emergency: 13 14 65
- Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
- Suicide Callback Service: 1300 659 467
- Child Adolescent Mental Health Services: wch.sa.gov.au/services/az/divisions/mentalhealth
- Carers SA: 1800 052 222